Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Welcome to "A Few Degrees Off-Center"!

Welcome to "A Few Degrees Off-Center".

So what does the title mean? Basically, it means that the opinions posted will probably be a bit off the norm...could be a little to the right, a little to the left, could be serious, could be comical, probably will be politically incorrect and definitely will be unique.

I'll post about whatever tickles my fancy or strikes a nerve that I see in public, in the media, online, etc...basically whatever floats my boat. One day you may see a post railing against the latest Congressional clusterf*ck, the next day I may just post about the lastest episode of South Park or Monday Night Raw.

I hope you enjoy "A Few Degrees Off-Center" and I will do my best to keep it updated regularly.


Anonymous said...

Site looks good. You're right about the media - they're overdoing it and actually making things worse with overexposure and intrusion into personal lives. I give it a week or so until someone starts trying to make money off of this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

I am so so happy!! This is an amazing outlet!! You Rock!!!

Keep Writing!!!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you're going to totally abandon your LJ? Because it's been ages since you've updated that and I miss you!

The Off-Center One said...

Yes, I have totally abandoned LJ. I use Myspace blog for personal stuff and "A Few Degrees" for more general stuff...pop culture, politics, news, the weird and the wacky. LOL.