Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Celebrity-Obsessed Culture, Part 1

Short little rant here...

I just saw a commercial for Entertainment Tonight, Inside Edition or one of other shows that try to pass as "news." The commerical said, and I quote, "Danilynn inhertiance, how much will she be worth?" Oh and then this little gem..."Anna Nicole in a wedding dress, tonight!"

What the hell? How long has she been dead now, and they're still obsessing over Anna Nicole Smith?

This is just another example of the ignorance of the American public. If people didn't watch it, they wouldn't air it. More people care about how much f*cking money the daughter of a pill-popping, slurred-speaking, famous-only-for-marrying-an-old-decrepit-millionaire, can-take-the-girl-out-of-the-trailer-park-but-can't-take-the-trailer-park-out-of-the-girl "celebrity" than how much f*cking money our local, state and federal governments are wasting for ridiculous legislation at taxpayer expense.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the other hand I feel that Anna Nicole Smith is a cultural icon...I remember countless nights as a lonely teenager holding her posters up with my left hand...I guess what I'm trying to say is that without Anna Nicole Smith I wouldn't be the guy that I am today...a person totally in touch with I have to admit that the way the media has treated her since her death rubs me the wrong way if I may be so bold, but I guess I have strong feelings about this and they have come to a head...I'm sorry for my testiness, but I had to write...