Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fred Phelps and the Inbreds...That Should Be Their Name

This is absolutely disgusting. Those hateful, funeral-protesting, pathetic excuses for people from the Westboro Baptist Church are at it again. This time, they made a music video. They took the classic USA For Africa song "We Are the World," rewrote the lyrics and created "God Hates the World." I won't even call it a parody since it is neither funny nor a respectful homage to the is nothing but a piece of hate propaganda that I truly feel Jesus AND God would find absolutely abhorrent.

Take a look for yourself (courtesy of Live Leak):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to not only agree with you, but I absolutely,positively agree with you a zillion and twenty percent. These people are absolutely vile and hideous and they are an abomination unto God. I guess they never heard the song Jesus loves Me, or He's Got the Whole World In His Hands OR Jesus Loves The Little Children. From what rock did these backa**wards people evolve from.. IF Darwin WAS correct, then this group of people were definitely from the EXTREME shallow end of the gene pool.
I am utterly in shock that God himself has not STRUCK these people down in thier tracks!!!

God does not breed hate. He is all about Love. He said "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" Did they just tear that out of their Bible, or did they SKIP that part. Seems like they have skipped the whole freaking BOOK!!!!

I am not one to speak about organized religion because I for one want NO part of it. Religion is the problem with America today.
It is because of the people at Westboro Baptist Church that people live in fear and never really try to find a relationship with God. They are the reason why kids would rather kill themselves than ever admit to be gay, lesbian, or Transgendered.
This hatred that they spew literally makes me want to throw up.

This new song God Hates The World.. they laugh like its some big joke. I honestly do not know which is worse. The fact that they had the uncanny ability to write this stupid song or the fact that they actually BELIEVE it.

God Forgive Them for they know not what they do!!!